
I thought that I might dream today...

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Life's Been Catching Up With Me

1. Bathroom Etiquette: In the bathrooms at work, someone has posted signs in all of the stalls that say "PLEASE DO NOT FLUSH WITH YOUR FOOT." This strikes me as absurd, because it is absolutely female protocol to flush with your foot. I've been trying to decide who put the signs up there--I think it was the secretary, because she strikes me as somewhat anal retentive and possibly a germaphobe. Hey--I'm a germaphobe, too, when it comes to bathrooms. That's why I ALWAYS use my foot. Sorry lady. I can't stop.

2. Fancy Lunches On the Company: We have been wining and dining a lot of "sponsors" to try to court their business. Yesterday our waitress was an old friend from high school. I looked a lot more important than I was. It was kind of weird, considering just a month ago I was basically unemployed.

3. Orphans In The Ukraine: My roomate brought home a brochure about helping kids in orphanages. They have a penpal program for the 340 children, age 7-18, who are in the orphanage because their parents have abused them or abandoned them. The Ukraine has over 30,000 orphans. Hannah (my cousin who is living with me and babysitting Issac this summer) and I called, and two days later the director sent us our first letters. Russian handwriting is so cool looking! I'm mentoring a 15 year old girl, and thinking about learning Russian. My heart is stolen already.

4. Consumption: Work can easily become addictive. I am interested in what I do, so I find myself bringing work home, and reading reports on industry trends, when I should be just relaxing at home, writing, or enjoying some of my other hobbies.

5. New Song Idea: There's a really great song idea that's been burning me up. I haven't even taken down the guitar in over a month, but I've got to find some music for a song about my dream hippie guy. Me and my roommate were working on some lyrics yesterday, and it's going to be great.

6. Fun Weekend: I'm going camping with my little brother in the Ocala National Forest. We're going to be canoeing (sp?) down Juniper Run, which is a very shallow, clear, canopied "creek" that connects with the St. John's River, which is the only other river in the world besides the Nile that runs North. I suppose there will be some beer drinking and guitar playing as well.

7. Sorry Friends: I haven't seen any of my friends in over a month. I'm telling you, life is crazy now. I miss you all.


At 9:00 AM, Blogger Dina R. D'Alessandro said...

Foot flushing is an absolute must. Could a man have possibly posted the sign?

I'm interested in the Ukraine orphans. Volunteerism escapes me these days and I need to do my part. Any chance you could post a link or give more info?


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