
I thought that I might dream today...

Friday, July 15, 2005

It's Always Better When We're Together...

Today found me hopping and dancing around my mom's house, listening to Jack Johnson and Bebel Gilberto while I was mopping her floors. I'm such a good housesitter. It's been a crazy week and a crazy month, and I'm not writing much these days. The Sans Trash Experiment failed horribly when I had a family emergency and found myself in the hospital with some friends for a few days. Actually, it failed before that, because on the fourth of July I accumulated so much trash that I lost count. The fact is, I make so much trash that it was hard to even keep track of the styrofoam plates and paper napkins and sporks and cups and paper napkins and paper napkins and paper napkins. Anyways, it was too much. I'll try again next month.

I also got a job offer last week, so on Monday I'll begin working as an Account Executive for a local newspaper. Technically, I'll be employed by The New York Times, so in some sick way it looks like I'm getting closer to my goal of being a writer, even though I'll be in sales instead of in journalism.


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