
I thought that I might dream today...

Monday, April 11, 2005

There is an unruly, rebellious child in my house--and it is not Issac. This child, in some respects, is far more unmannered and out-of-control. She is nothing less than demanding. She is my inner-child, who has written three songs on the guitar this week, and is willing to do anything to avoid schoolwork.

Part of me wants to slap her hand. But another part of me realizes that this little girl, this muse, is the guardian of my soul. She is dutifully protesting and resisting the process of me turning into a responsible, financially secure, mundane, boring, nine-to-fiver. I say, "It's time to get to work!" She says, "Who cares? It's a beautiful day outside! Write a song! Read some poetry! ANYTHING but work!!!" I say, "But I only have so little time to do all my homework!" She says, "What's time? Go with the flow!"

I appreciate my inner-child, and thank her for refusing to give up on my creativity.

What the indulgence of watching The Batchelor and Supernanny has to do with saving my soul, well, this is another matter for another time.

I look forward to posting more regularly when I'm done with my coursework in May.


At 9:13 PM, Blogger Bruno said...

In the words of Jack Black and Kyle Gass (a.k.a. Tenacious D), "SET THE ARTIST FREE!"


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