
I thought that I might dream today...

Monday, March 15, 2004

The ghosts of creditors past...

I am an idiot. A person should have just one password and stick with it. I live in a password mecca. I have a different one for each place (just in case the russian spies are on to me, I guess).

I think my friend Marcy and I need to take a trip to New York City. We could get side jobs and vow to use all the money on plane fare and theatre tickets. Not one dollar or quarter filtered out of the jar to be spent on gas or milk! In a few months we would have the money. Hard work but worth the saving and scrimping, the selling of blueberries and the watching of children, the staring at the money-filled jar and thinking of all the delicious books and paper supplies, furniture and thrift-store browsing it could buy if only if we just slipped out a bill or two.

We could attend a writer's workshop. Ride the subway and go to the village, to new Brooklyn. We would be filled with inspiration. We would read the Times before we go and while we were there, The New Yorker and and E.B. White.

But I have bills to pay. I have finally decided to pay off my debt. The extra money I earn from my side job is going straight to Sprint PCS, magazine collection services, Bellsouth and Avon. It will feel nice to be debt free in seven years.

When I am debt-free I can start planning trips and spending money without extra guilt. I am tired of hearing the "I shoulds" and "needtas" that whisper over my head when I make a pleasurable purchase, pick up something nice for myself. Sppprrrriiiinnnntttt will huuuaaaannnnttt you fooooorrr thiissssss it tells me. yyyyooou aaare aaaa veerrrrryyy baaaaad girrrrrlllllll. This is the ghooooost of avooooon. Repent! You have threeee dayys toooo repeennnnnt! I'm getting really sick of them.


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