
I thought that I might dream today...

Sunday, January 16, 2005


Toilet paper, cardboard boxes, tissues, books. My two-year-old likes to have a wad of pulpy paper mush in his mouth whenever the opportunity arises. It's as though he's buying cans of chaw, discarding the tobacco, and filling it with scraps of paper. He's totally addicted.

From the front seat, as I'm driving, I can hear the most intolerable sound, a satsified, pulpy smack, coming from his car seat. He's found a cone-shaped birthday-party hat, and half of it is missing. The missing half is inside his mouth, a thick, lumpy, blue-green wad.

As a parent, you realize that you are regularly learning new things about yourself. Well, here's something I never knew about myself before: watching someone chew on wet wads of paper is one way to bring me this <> close to puking. It's sickening. Worse than nails on a chalkboard. Uuugh. Barf. Upchuck. Gross!

He's a regular billygoat.

I hope he grows out of this phase, and soon.


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