The Entire Last Year
One year ago, I started my first "real" job. "Real" as in meaning a job that will not tolerate 30 seconds of morning lateness, "real" as in meaning that they will not tolerate any visible tattoos or body piercings, "real" as in meaning I negotiated a salary, "real" as in meaning I have a manager who "reviews" my performance twice a year. Understandably, during this time, I haven't posted much.
It would help the postings if I had a faster computer at home. The old machine is getting bogged down with too many programs and not enough space. It takes about fifteen minutes to get it up and running. At this point, I'm too lazy to do much about it.
My next investment, my mother says, should go straight into my retirement account. I tend to disagree, and have decided that my next investment will go toward a surfboard.
My second-to-next investment will be a new computer.
This should give me a vital lifeline to the world that my generation lives in. These days, a girl is only as good as her computer, right?
But in the meantime, here are some pictures that should tell a little bit of a story of the last year. You know, the basics--winter, spring, summer and fall. Here, you'll find a little Christmas, some Thanksgiving, a Birthday, some Summer Beach fun, and some Spring May Pole. Next year, God willing, there will be commentary. I'm getting accustomed to this early-to-bed, early-to-rise life I've been living.
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